Gamestop reddit r wallstreetbets


If you haven't heard of [Reddit]( — well, let's face it. You're here on the Internet. You've heard of Reddit. But if somehow you've yet to _experience_ Reddit, perhaps it's time. What Reddit _is_ to any one person mi

That's nearly 1.5 million more  26 Jan 2021 How an army of Reddit users massively inflated the price of a flailing role of a subreddit called r/WallStreetBets—will be taught in business  27 Jan 2021 The subreddit r/wallstreetbets, where amateur investors convene to share investing ideas and thoughts, has now grown into a community of  28 Jan 2021 It's still being debated what might happen with GameStop's stock over the next few days, but one thing is clear: Reddit users have already won. 28 Jan 2021 Once Elon Musk caught wind of what individuals were doing on the r/ WallStreetBets Reddit thread, he tweeted out a link to it. The move was  25 Jan 2021 GameStop Building Face Reddit Wallstreetbets Stock Price media platform Reddit's hottest stock market-related community, r/WallStreetBets,  28 Jan 2021 Discord Bans Reddit's WallStreetBets for Hate Speech as Scrutiny Intensifies server used by the controversial subreddit r/WallStreetBets for what it of “ financial fraud related to GameStop or other stocks,” but 28 Jan 2021 GameStop Stock Sees Over 1700% Spike Thanks to r/WallStreetBets Subreddit: Here's how young traders took over headlines this week. 27 Jan 2021 The GameStop stock rally is the handiwork of r/WallStreetBets, a Reddit community where people share news, memes and personal anecdotes  28 Jan 2021 The Reddit forum that appeared to drive GameStop stock's remarkable surge appeared to crash for some users. 25 Jan 2021 Reddit stock traders send GameStop, Blackberry on rocket ship ride the r/ wallstreetbets forum is minting small fortunes for retail traders who  27 Jan 2021 The “group of apes” in this situation is a chaotic group of investors organized under the r/WallStreetBets subreddit, which counts more than 2  26 Jan 2021 The investors on r/WallStreetBets had urged each other to buy GameStop stock. The idea is to buy shares of the stock, which raises the price and  24 Jan 2021 For those who don't know, r/WallStreetBets (WSB) is a subreddit that speculates on the price of various stocks. 22 Jan 2021

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Initially his peers were dismissive. Initially his peers were dismissive. Once she joined, she quickly realized that r/wallstreetbets was not a welcoming place for women. Since GameStop stock took off last week , much has been written about the various players in the story: the Redditors and amateur financiers who invested in the struggling video game company, and the Wall Street moguls who bet against its success.

The WallStreetBets poster that initially identified GameStop and drove interest in the stock invested $50,000 of his cash in stock and call options, and the position is now worth over $50 million.

Gamestop reddit r wallstreetbets

Put my money in GME and saw it turn green and then red, and then very very redbut you retards came back for me. Крупные брокеры Robinhood и Interactive Brokers ввели ряд ограничений на торговлю акциями GameStop, а также некоторых других компаний, которые обсуждаются на r/WallStreetBets. 29.01.2021 Read more: This GameStop thing isn't funny; it's stupid This crowd of retail traders learned about the opportunity and loosely coordinated their activities via Reddit's r/wallstreetbets community 28.01.2021 29.01.2021 28.01.2021 04.02.2021 08.02.2021 Reddit user Keith Gill, known by the username “DeepF—ingValue” on r/WallStreetBets, led the charge in Redditors jumping into Gamestop trading, The Wall Street Journal reported. Reddit GameStop stock, Reddit and WallStreetBets: what you need to know.

Jan 22, 2021 · GameStop Stock Surge or GameStop Short Squeeze refers to the massive surge in the price of of GameStop shares in the stock market in January 2021, when it rose from $17 to $136, in a significant degree due to a campaign by users in /r/WallStreetBets subreddit. The hype resulted in GameStop (GME) becoming of the most traded stocks on Wall Street that month, peaking at 200 million trades of the

The move was apparently in response to analysts describing the company as not being worth it, suggesting shorting the stock might be better if investors were keen on making a profit. Redditors in turn propelled GameStop's stock from $20 to $73 in a day of active Feb 13, 2021 · Users from the Reddit page r/wallstreetbets earlier this month gobbled up stock from floundering chain GameStop, sending the price soaring and forcing institutional investors who bet against the Jan 29, 2021 · "I think r/wallstreetbets is an obnoxious cesspool of the worst that Reddit has to offer," the employee told Input. "I do not appreciate them coming in and shitposting in r/GameStop. It's like they're rubbing in our faces that they've made millions while we see nothing of it." Video game retailer GameStop’s stock rose over 1,000 percent after it was championed by the r/WallStreetBets subreddit. The stock fell 30 percent on Monday, however, leading many to believe a Feb 02, 2021 · The meteoric rise of r/wallstreetbets: WallStreetBets, the Reddit forum at the center of the GameStop stock rally AMC: AMC itself may have been bailed out by WallStreetBets Reddit has been at the center of controversy this week after users from the r/WallStreetBets subreddit kicked off a stock buying frenzy, significantly adding to the value of companies like GameStop and AMC, which had been struggling in the marketplace. The subreddit has approximately six million members.

Note this is assuming $8B in Revenue. If GameStop can grow revenues, focus on digital to improve margins, and expand within the growing total addressable market, I see potential for higher prices and achieving Target to Chewy-like multiples. The X Factor r/wallstreetbets: Like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal. Lost my kid this year. Put my money in GME and saw it turn green and then red, and then very very redbut you retards came back for me. Reddit's WallStreetBets is back, taking on GameStop stock after intentional lockdown.

Gamestop reddit r wallstreetbets

Initially his peers were dismissive. Initially his peers were dismissive. Once she joined, she quickly realized that r/wallstreetbets was not a welcoming place for women. Since GameStop stock took off last week , much has been written about the various players in the story: the Redditors and amateur financiers who invested in the struggling video game company, and the Wall Street moguls who bet against its success. Jan 28, 2021 · GameStop Reddit Investors Versus the Hedge Funds: A Summary Stock prices naturally going up over time is a short-sellers worst fear.

Trader known as DeepF—ingValue on the WallStreetBets forum helped turn the investing world upside down Retail gaming store GameStop has seen its stock price soar this week and it's thanks to Redditors on the subreddit r/WallStreetBets. The move was apparently in response to analysts describing the company as not being worth it, suggesting shorting the stock might be better if investors were keen on making a profit. Redditors in turn propelled GameStop's stock from $20 to $73 in a day of active Feb 13, 2021 · Users from the Reddit page r/wallstreetbets earlier this month gobbled up stock from floundering chain GameStop, sending the price soaring and forcing institutional investors who bet against the Jan 29, 2021 · "I think r/wallstreetbets is an obnoxious cesspool of the worst that Reddit has to offer," the employee told Input. "I do not appreciate them coming in and shitposting in r/GameStop. It's like they're rubbing in our faces that they've made millions while we see nothing of it." Video game retailer GameStop’s stock rose over 1,000 percent after it was championed by the r/WallStreetBets subreddit. The stock fell 30 percent on Monday, however, leading many to believe a Feb 02, 2021 · The meteoric rise of r/wallstreetbets: WallStreetBets, the Reddit forum at the center of the GameStop stock rally AMC: AMC itself may have been bailed out by WallStreetBets Reddit has been at the center of controversy this week after users from the r/WallStreetBets subreddit kicked off a stock buying frenzy, significantly adding to the value of companies like GameStop and AMC, which had been struggling in the marketplace.

9.5m. Degenerates. 612k. Buying FDs. Created Jan 31, 2012. Join. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. 19.02.2021 r/wallstreetbets: Like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal.

The subreddit r/WallStreetBets has been at the center of a national story this week involving GameStop and a couple of angry hedge funds. To help us understand what’s happening, we call up Planet An army of traders on the Reddit forum r/WallStreetBets helped drive a meteoric rise in GameStop’s stock price in recent days, forcing halts in trading and causing a major headache for the short The WallStreetBets poster that initially identified GameStop and drove interest in the stock invested $50,000 of his cash in stock and call options, and the position is now worth over $50 million. For the past week, Reddit's r/WallStreetBets community has been the center of an epic war between large Wall Street investors and small-scale social media betters.On Wednesday evening, the The subreddit r/WallStreetBets has been at the center of a national story this week involving GameStop and a couple of angry hedge funds. To help us understand what’s happening, we call up Planet The subreddit r/wallstreetbets drove up the price of GameStop shares and caused massive losses for hedge funds.

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29 Jan 2021 January 29. Just before markets open, the Securities and Exchange Commission wades into the fray, warning brokerages and Reddit users 

Like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal.

Consider taking a trip to subreddit r/WallStreetBets. GameStop stock crashed, but Reddit still wants to send it to the moon. It also settled a suit with Facebook 

Крупные брокеры Robinhood и Interactive Brokers ввели ряд ограничений на торговлю акциями GameStop, а также некоторых других компаний, которые обсуждаются на r/WallStreetBets. 29.01.2021 Read more: This GameStop thing isn't funny; it's stupid This crowd of retail traders learned about the opportunity and loosely coordinated their activities via Reddit's r/wallstreetbets community 28.01.2021 29.01.2021 28.01.2021 04.02.2021 08.02.2021 Reddit user Keith Gill, known by the username “DeepF—ingValue” on r/WallStreetBets, led the charge in Redditors jumping into Gamestop trading, The Wall Street Journal reported. Reddit GameStop stock, Reddit and WallStreetBets: what you need to know. users on r/WallStreetBets had been toying with the idea of buying GameStop stocks since two years ago. 26.02.2021 That GameStop worker didn't mince words in response to the situation, though. "I think r/wallstreetbets is an obnoxious cesspool of the worst that Reddit has to offer," the employee told Input. "I do not appreciate them coming in and shitposting in r/GameStop.

GameStop Corp. shares had their best week this month, and second-best ever, amid a flurry of day trader activity. The video-game retailer jumped 151% this week as amateur investors continued to An army of traders on the Reddit forum r/WallStreetBets helped drive a meteoric rise in GameStop’s stock price in recent days, forcing halts in trading and causing a major headache for the short Reddit forum r/WallStreetBets had cheered on retail investors who bought shares of GameStop and other " meme stocks " to burn people who bet against the companies. The action caused GameStop's When people in the Reddit community r/WallStreetBets began pushing up GameStop's share price, establishment investors started losing billions and billions of dollars. Since then, GameStop's shares GameStop Reddit Investors Versus the Hedge Funds: A Summary Stock prices naturally going up over time is a short-sellers worst fear. Stock prices going up due to artificial price manipulation is their worst nightmare.